
What are Constituents of Milk?

           Your mother may have often asked you to drink milk. The reason is that milk is good for you. But have you wondered what the constituents of milk are? Milk is a white, nutritious liquid produced by female mammals as food for their young ones. Usually, milk obtained from cows, buffaloes, goats, etc. is drunk by human beings. Butter, cheese, curd etc. are the main products of milk.

Constituents of Milk

            Nothing definite can be said as to when exactly man started consuming but it is certain that around 5000 years ago, ma had started domesticating milk producing animals.

            Cow, buffalo, sheep and goat are the main milk-producing animals. In northern Europe, milk form reindeer is also used. In the Middle East countries, goat’s milk is commonly consumed.

             From the very earl times milk has been known to be a complier food. It constrains all the nutritional elements like sugar proteins fats vitamins minerals salts and water needed for our body. Cow’s milk contains 87.2%, water 3.7%, fats 3.5% proteins 4.9% sugar and many minerals and vitamins. The milk lf various other animals contains all the above mentioned nutrients’ in varying percentages.

            We extract fats present in milk in the form of butter. Fates gives us extra energy. The proteins presents In the milk strengthen our muscles. The sugar us easily absorbed by the body and acts as a fuel. Minerals like calcium and phosphorus are useful for our bone formation. Vitamins A, B, C, D, E, K and niacin present in milk reduce the vitamins deficiency in our body and keep us healthy.

            Milk gets spoiled very soon. To prevent this it should be cooled to 10 within two hours of milking. It should be maintained at this temperature till it is transported to other places. Boiling milk several times a day can prevent its fermentation.

            In many countries including India pasteurized and homogenized milk is sold. Skimmed milk is popular among health freaks because most of the fat is removed before the milk is sent out for sale.