
How Far Can a Kangaroo Jump?

            Kangaroo are marsupials that live in Australia and New Guinea. Most of them live on grassy plains and feed on plants. They move about in troops springing along on their big, powerful hind legs and large feet. Their long tails help them to balance.

The Red kangaroo is the Largest of all marsupials

            There are five species of kangaroos. Red and grey are largest ones. A red kangaroo may be taller and heavier than a man. Grey kangaroos can bounce at a speed of 40 kilometers per hour if chased. Walloons are smaller kind of kangaroo.

            A full grown kangaroo stands about six feet tall. Its front legs are shouting while the hind legs ate very long. The powerful hind legs enable a kangaroo to take long jumps of 3 to 5 meters at a time. If a hunter or hunting dog chases a kangaroo it can run very fast by leaping long distance. You will be amazed to known that a kangaroo can cover a distance of 7 to 9 meters in just one jump. When hunting dogs corner a kangaroo it can seize a dog with its forelegs and kill it with one swing of its hind legs.

            The female kangaroo has a pouch in its belly in between the hind legs. In which it keeps its young ones till they grow up. When a baby kangaroo is born its is a finny pink mass of about 2.5 centimeters in length and about 1 gram in weight. An infant kangaroo needs the protection of its mother milk until it leaves the pouch at the age of 6 to 8 months. If the mother kangaroo finds her young one in danger she lifts it in her mouth and places it inside the pouch in her belly. The life span of a kangaroo is about 6 to 8 years.

            The kangaroo is a mild animal like sheep and goats. Like the hare it is unable to see an object just front of it but its power of smell and hearing is very strong.