
Why do Women have a Sweet Voice?

            You may have noticed that the voice of women is generally sweeter than that of men. Even boys have a feminine voice till the age of eleven or twelve years. But later it starts becoming deeper. The voice of girls, however, does not change much with age.

Women have a sweet voice of the absence of testosterone, a hormone responsible for variations in the vocal cords

            Normally the age between eleven to thirteen years is knows as the puberty age. During this period, some of our glands produce sex hormones. These hormones bring many changes in the bodies of boys and girls. In boys, they are responsible for arms, auxiliary hair, pubic hair and facial hair. The voice of boys starts becoming deeper. Their bodies produce a hormone called testosterone which is mainly responsible for changing the length and thickness of the vocal cords. This also affects the larynx. As a result, a man’s larynx becomes larger than that of a woman. Men have vocal cords longer than those in women. Due to this, the frequency or pitch of man’s voice becomes lower than woman’s and hence the male voice becomes deeper than that of female.

            Though this hormone is not produce in the girls, yet a slight change takes place in their voice also. This change occurs mainly due to the further growth of their throat, mouth, nose and upper jaw.